The faces® Concept simplifies music so that everyone (anyone) who is interested in learning music can enjoy the process rather than struggle with it and fear it. Again, the dream is that one day, parents who’ve never studied music themselves will be able to teach their children (as young as 6 months—3 years old) the faces® Concept.
Parents, this is an exciting time to introduce your child to the faces® Concept. Imagine sitting them in front of a $39.00 (88 key Roll Up Keyboard) and teaching them their ABCs. The simplicity of the concept allows you to teach them the white keys “only” (using 3rd the left hand) and have them repeat and play the first 7 alphabets: “A, B, C, D, E, F, G” until they reach “C” at the end of the keyboard. Could learning the ABCs and the white notes on the keyboard simultaneously be any easier than that? The potential impact of the faces® Concept is truly inspiring, and I can't help but get excited just thinking about it!!!
When should we start? The situation's urgency is apparent, but the answer to that part of the question is not. However, we do have the answer to “how.” The faces® Concept, a tool God gives us, can help bring families together and solve many of our world’s problems. The situation's urgency demands that we learn to use music more positively and productively. As we are in the END TIMES, turning this dream into a reality is a mystery that only GOD can orchestrate.
With each of us doing our part and permitting HIM to use us however HE deems necessary, IT WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. We thank you FATHER for including us in Your Divine Mystery at this Appointed Time!